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Module Internal - Functions

The internal recursive functions used by the AVLTree class, and additional helper functions. These perform outside of the tree class context, and take nodes to operate on. This makes them reusable for many more applications.

While the AVLTree interface only exposes its contained values the functions here return nodes with these values within, so that internally we can easily traverse subtrees and otherwise operate on them.


Tree recursion Functions


  • deleteKey<K, V>(key: K, node: AVLNode<K, V> | null): [AVLNode<K, V> | null, boolean]
  • Deletes the node by given key from the subtree of given node. Returns an array with:

    • [0] - the node that takes the place of given node after deletion and re-balancing, which might also be the given node itself.

    • [1] - A boolean indicating whether a node was actually deleted. This will be false if the key was not found in the tree.

    Type parameters


    • key: K
    • node: AVLNode<K, V> | null

    Returns [AVLNode<K, V> | null, boolean]


  • foldLeft<K, V, T>(node: AVLNode<K, V> | null, fn: (acc: T, node: AVLNode<K, V>) => T, seed: T): T
  • Folds (reduces) the given node's subtree left-to-right using in-order traversal.

    Type parameters


    • node: AVLNode<K, V> | null
    • fn: (acc: T, node: AVLNode<K, V>) => T
        • Parameters

          Returns T

    • seed: T

    Returns T


  • foldRight<K, V, T>(node: AVLNode<K, V> | null, fn: (acc: T, node: AVLNode<K, V>) => T, seed: T): T
  • Folds (reduces) the given node's subtree right-to-left using reversed in-order traversal.

    Type parameters


    • node: AVLNode<K, V> | null
    • fn: (acc: T, node: AVLNode<K, V>) => T
        • Parameters

          Returns T

    • seed: T

    Returns T


  • insert<K, V>(key: K, val: V, node: AVLNode<K, V> | null): [AVLNode<K, V>, boolean]
  • Inserts the given key an corresponding value into the sub-tree of the given node. Returns an array of length 2 with at:

    • [0] - the node that takes the place of given node after insertion and re-balancing, which might also be the given node itself.

    • [1] - A boolean indicating whether the new key and value were actually inserted. This will be false if the key was already in the tree prior to insertion.

    Type parameters


    • key: K
    • val: V
    • node: AVLNode<K, V> | null

    Returns [AVLNode<K, V>, boolean]


  • Returns the node within the subtree of given node that ranks highest. Returns the given node itself if it has no children, or null if the given node is itself null.

    Type parameters


    Returns AVLNode<K, V> | null


  • Returns the node within the subtree of given node that ranks lowest. Returns the given node itself if it has no children, or null if the given node is itself null.

    Type parameters


    Returns AVLNode<K, V> | null


  • search<K, V>(node: AVLNode<K, V> | null, searchKey: K): AVLNode<K, V> | null
  • Search a node by a given searchKey, matching against keys of nodes. Returns the matching node if found, or null otherwise.

    Type parameters


    • node: AVLNode<K, V> | null
    • searchKey: K

    Returns AVLNode<K, V> | null


  • traverseInOrder<K, V>(node: AVLNode<K, V> | null, fn: (node: AVLNode<K, V>) => void): void
  • Performs in-order traversal of the given node's subtree, applying the given fn to each contained value.

    Type parameters


    Returns void


  • traversePostOrder<K, V>(node: AVLNode<K, V> | null, fn: (node: AVLNode<K, V>) => void): void
  • Performs post-order traversal of the given node's subtree, applying the given fn to each contained value.

    Type parameters


    Returns void


  • traversePreOrder<K, V>(node: AVLNode<K, V> | null, fn: (node: AVLNode<K, V>) => void): void
  • Performs pre-order traversal of the given node's subtree, applying the given fn to each contained value.

    Type parameters


    Returns void

Helper Functions


  • nodeBalance(node: AVLNode | null): number
  • Returns the given node's balance: the relationship between the heights of its left and right subtrees. Returns a negative number if the node's left child is the higher height child, or a positive number if the right child is the higher height child. Returns zero if either the node is null or both its children have equal height.


    Returns number


  • nodeHeight(node: AVLNode | null): number
  • Returns the height of given node or zero if the node is null.


    Returns number


  • Performs a left rotation on the given node. Returns the node that takes the place of the given node after rotation.

    │ argument -> z                                      y <- return   │
    │            /  \                                  /   \           │
    │           T1   y         rotateLeft(z)          z      x         │
    │               /  \       - - - - - - - ->      / \    / \        │
    │              T2   x                           T1  T2 T3  T4      │
    │                  / \                                             │
    │                T3  T4                                            │

    Type parameters


    Returns AVLNode<K, V>


  • Performs a right rotation on the given node. Returns the node that takes the place of the given node after rotation.

    │ argument -> z                                      y <- return   │
    │            / \                                   /   \           │
    │           y   T4      rotateRight(z)            x      z         │
    │          / \          - - - - - - - - ->      /  \    /  \       │
    │         x   T3                               T1  T2  T3  T4      │
    │        / \                                                       │
    │      T1   T2                                                     │

    Type parameters


    Returns AVLNode<K, V>


  • scalarCompare<K>(ka: K, kb: K): Ordering
  • Takes two values of type K extends Orderable and returns their ordering.

    Type parameters


    • ka: K
    • kb: K

    Returns Ordering


  • updateNodeHeight(node: AVLNode): void
  • Updates the given node's height property based on the current heights of its left and right subtrees.


    Returns void


  • updateNodeSize(node: AVLNode): void
  • Updates the given node's size property based on the current sizes of its left and right subtrees.


    Returns void


  • writeNodeContents<K, V>(__namedParameters: { from: AVLNode<K, V>; to: AVLNode<K, V> }): void
  • Writes the key and value (by reference) from the given from node to the given to node.

    Type parameters


    Returns void